Condition and Trends of Progress in Scientific Potential at the National Centre for Agrarian Sciences


National Centre for Agrarian Sciences, BG-1373 Sofia, Bulgaria


BACHVAROVA, S., T. MITOVA and A. ROUSENOV, 2005. Condition and trends of progress in scientific potential at the National Centre for Agrarian Sciences. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 11: 495-501

For the last few years in all scientific fields (natural, technical, medical, agricultural, public and humanitarian sciences), although to a different degree, has been noticed a permanent trend for decreasing the number of scientists. At the same time, the structure of scientists from different fields has been changing. It is noticed significant reduction of research associates' relative part as from 47% it goes down to 17% to community of scientists in the country. This trend goes together with a raise in average age of the scientists.
The objective of the present study is to analyses qualification and aged structure of scientific potential of National Centre for Agricultural Sciences, for taking in-time measures for meeting the challenges facing the agrarian science in the process of integration to EU.
The analysis was made on the ground of scientific potential data on scientific units and total of NCAS for period 1999 - 2003.
In result of the research are fixed the following general conclusions: 1) Number of permanent scientific units at the system of National Centre for Agricultural Sciences has decreased by 60% and the number of scientists by more than 50% for the last five years. Especially considerable reduction is noticed on the group of scientists having academic ranks and science degree Sen. Res. Assoc. I degree; 2) It is noticed, an increase of the group of scientists over 60 years old and a decrease of the relative part of scientists belonged to middle groups, for the period. 20% of scientists will be retired in 5 years limit; 3) As a result of right staff policy and receiving of program accreditation giving educational and scientific degree "doctor" rights, has increased the group of young researchers up to 35 years old and they represent 14 %; 4) A small part of announced positions for "doctor-degree" graduation are acquired - in major cases lesser than 50%. The number of "doctor-degree" candidates is lesser the announced positions. Young people don't find the scientific work as enough attractive and as a result a lot of candidates are not in a position to meet the requirements and are out of classification; 5) Some specific scientificspecialities are estimated as without perspective by the young people and after successful graduation, they quit the scientific organization.

Key words: NCAS, scientists, staff, qualification structure