Istanbul University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Animal Breeding and Husbandry, 34320 Avcilar, Istanbul,Turkey
EKIZ, B., O. KOCAK and A.YILMAZ, 2005. Certain fattening and slaughter characteristics of Holstein, Brown Swiss and Simmental young bulls in Southeastern Anatolia region of Turkey. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 11: 199-206
The data of 1691 young bulls were used in the study to determine the fattening performance and carcase characteristics of Holstein, Brown Swiss and Simmental young bulls in the climatic conditions of Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey. The young bulls were fattened for 270 days in the open feedlot and were weighed monthly during the fattening period. The differences between the initial weights of Holstein, Brown Swiss and Simmental young bulls were not significant. The final weights and average daily live weight gains (ADG) during fattening of Holstein, Brown Swiss and Simmental young bulls were 491.02 kg, 478.35 kg and 519.72 kg and 1244 g, 1197 g and 1350 g, respectively. In the first month of the study Holstein young bulls gained the highest live weight. In the following months Simmental young bulls had the highest live weight gains. The final weight and ADG of Holstein and Brown Swiss young bulls were affected by the seasonal climatic changes in the region; however, these fattening characteristics of Simmental young bulls were not affected. The hot dressing percentages of Holstein, Brown Swiss and Simmental young bulls were 57.67%, 58.79% and 58.44%, respectively.