Technological Characteristics of Newly Developed Mutant Common Winter Wheat Lines

Institute of Plant Genetic Resources, BG-4122 Sadovo, Bulgaria


MANGOVA, M. and G. RACHOVSKA, 2004. Technological characteristics of newly developed mutant common winter wheat lines. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 10: 181–184

Fifteen hybrid-mutant lines and two direct mutant lines were studied in terms to their technological quality in 2000 and 2001 vegetation years. The hybrid-mutant lines were produced using chemical mutagen sodium azide at a concentration of 1 mM on F2 seeds. For parent cultivars, promising and well adapted Bulgarian and foreign common winter wheat cultivars were used. The direct mutant lines were obtained by gamma-irradiation and sodium azide treatment of dry seed from cultivars. The differences of the following three characteristics: quality index, softening of dough and energy for dough deformation (W) of MX 77/14 compared to the total mean value are positive statistically significant. Crude protein, softening of dough, and energy for dough deformation (W) of MX 84/37 are also significantly different in relation to the total mean value. Both wheat lines refer to the group of common winter wheat whit very good technological quality. This fact was confirmed of higher values of energy for dough deformation (W), than strong wheat cultivar Pobeda.

Key words: wheat hybrid-mutant lines, technological quality, rheological properties

1Corresponding author: Ing. Maria Mangova, PhD., Institute of Plant Genetic Resources, 2 Drujba blvd., 4122 Sadovo, Plovdiv district, Bulgaria