Correlations Between Quantitative Characters in Garden Pea Depending on the Year of Cultivation

Vegetable Crops Research Institute, BG-4003 Plovdiv, Bulgaria


PEVICHAROVA, G., 2004. Correlations between quantitative characters in garden pea depending on the year of cultivation. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 10: 33-37

The manifestation power of the correlations between morphological, technological and productive characters of garden peas during different experimental years was estimated. The correlations were divided provisionally into three groups: correlations with a total correlation coefficient r > I0.500I, which possess a constant manifestation, not depending essentially on the conditions of cultivation; correlations with a total correlation coefficient r > I0.500I but with an inconstant manifestation during the experimental period; correlations with a total correlation coefficient r < I0.500I, but with a higher value during some of the years of study. A special attention was taken to the possibility to make mistakes in interpreting the obtained data and the way to avoid them was showed.

Key words: (Pisum sativum L.), correlation analysis, morphological, technological and productive characters