Influence of Some Genetic and Non-Genetic Factors on Reproductive Traits of Rams from the North-East Bulgarian Fine Fleece Breed – Shumen Type.
I. Semen Volume, Sperm Concentration and Total Spermatozoa Number per Ejaculate

Agricultural Institute, BG-9700 Shumen, Bulgaria


ANEV, G., 2003. Influence of some genetic and non-genetic factors on reproductive traits of rams from the North-East Bulgarian Fine Fleece Breed – Shumen type. I. Semen volume, sperm concentration and total spermatozoa number per ejaculate. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 9: 537–542

The influence of some genetic and non-genetic factors on semen volume, sperm concentration in 1 cm3 and total spermatozoa number per ejaculate of fresh semen of rams from the North-East Bulgarian Fine Fleece Breed – Shumen type was investigated. The data comprised 294 ejaculates from 34 rams during the natural mating season by the method of artificial vagina. It was established that the line, the ethological type, the age and the herd had significant influence on the semen volume, the spermatozoa number in 1 cm3 and the total spermatozoa number per ejaculate. The blood grade from different breeds did not influence the traits studied.

Key words: semen volume, spermatozoa, ejaculate, fresh semen, behaviour, blood grade