The Influence of Some Soil Herbicides on the Fat Content of Soyabean Seeds

Plant Protection Institute, BG-2230 Kostinbrod, Bulgaria


PENEVA, A., 2003. The Influence of some soil herbicides on the fat content of soyabean seeds. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 9: 411–413

Field trials with soyabean were conducted on a chernozem soil to determine the influence of some soil herbicides applied alone and in combinations on the fat content and seed humidity of wide-row and narrow-row sown soyabean. It was established that the fat content was lower in the treatments with herbicides, especially in combinations. That trend was better expressed in the narrow-row sowing. The seed humidity also was higher there.

Key words: soyabean, herbicides, fat, seed humidity, wide-row and narrow-row sowing