A Study on the Biological and Economic Traits of Newly Developed Mutant Common Winter Wheat Lines

1Institute of Plant Genetic Resources, BG-4122 Sadovo, Bulgaria.
2Agrarian University, BG-4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria


RACHOVSKA, G., D. DIMOVA, B. BOJINOV and G. RACHOVSKI, 2003. A study on the biological and economic traits of newly developed mutant common winter wheat lines. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 9: 607–614

The study was conducted in the period 2000-2002 at the Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (IPGR) – Sadovo, Bulgaria. The subject of study was a new germplasm of common winter wheat (Triticum aestivum ssp. vulgare (Vill., Host.) Mac Key), produced by using the mutagenic factors gamma rays and sodium azide. A collection of 51 mutant- and hybrid-mutant lines and 4 Bulgarian wheat cultivars was characterized by the traits: grain yield (t/ha), absolute mass (g), sedimentation number (cm3), crude protein content in grain (%), lysine content (%) in protein (%), plant height (cm) and duration of the growth period (days). For each collection trait, mean values, variation coefficients and variation range were calculated. The article provides information on the genetic distance of the genotypes tested and the relative influence of the separate traits studied established by using cluster- and principal component analyses. The complex characteristics made by important biological and economic traits of wheat are prerequisites for making more precise selection when involving mutant- and hybrid-mutant lines in breeding programs.

Key words: germplasm, mutagenesis, Triticum aestivum, principal component analysis, cluster analysis