Response of Winter Wheat to Seeding Rate with or without Ethrel Spray under Irrigation

Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST), Department of Crop Production, Faculty of Agriculture, P. O. Box 3030 Irbid, Jordan


TURK, M. A. and A. M. TAWAHA, 2002. Response of winter wheat to seeding rate with or without ethrel spray under irrigation. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 8: 37–42

A two-year study was conducted in northern Jordan to detect the influence of varying seeding rate and ethrel application on yield and yield components of winter wheat. Seeding rate of 120-kg ha–1 produced the maximum grain yield ha–1. At this density, it also exhibited the lowest spikes plant–1, grains spike–1 and thousand grain weight. Whereas at the density of 80 kg ha–1, a minimum yield of 1675 kg ha–1 was obtained owing to the lesser number of plants per unit area. Lodging varied across the sowing rates with no lodging occurring at low seeding rate. Grain yield increased for winter wheat in cases where ethephon reduced lodging and increased spike m–2. Ethephon effectively reduces lodging in treated winter wheat. However, ethephon often reduces grains per spike and grain mass.

Key words: ethrel, ethephon, wheat, yield components, irrigated