1 Agricultural Institute, BG-9700 Shumen, Bulgaria
2 “Silistra – Hybrid”, BG-7500 Silistra, Bulgaria
BENKOV, B., L. GERMANOVA, S. NIKOLOV and T. KUNEV, 2002. Slaughter indices of pigs from the synthetic sire line, Danube White breed and hybrid pigs obtained with their participation. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 8: 405–408
A comparative investigation was carried out to establish the slaughter indices of 64 pigs (16 in each group) from the created synthetic line, Danube White breed and the hybrid combinations (DW × L) x SL and (DW × L) x DW. It was established that the synthetic line had very good slaughter indices. The area of m. longissimus dorsi for 100 kg live weight is 44.7 cm2, the meat with bones in the ham – 82.8%, in the carcass – 76.9%, the thickness of backfat average from three measurements – 17.7 mm and ∑ CKL2 – 26.6 mm. The hybrid pigs (DW × L) x SL also have very good slaughter productivity. The area of m. longissimus dorsi is 40 cm2, meat with bones in the ham – 79.9%, in the carcass – 73%, the thickness of the backfat average from three measurements 23.4 mm, and ∑ CKL2 – 48 mm.
The boars from the Danube White breed at double-cross hybridization increase insignificantly the slaughter productivity of the hybrid pigs.